What is EMR Software in Healthcare

If you work in the medical field, you may have heard of EMR software. You might still have questions about what it really is and what it does. Even if you already have software for medical records in your practice, understanding the capabilities of it take some time.

Every healthcare practice needs EMR software to improve their processes and efficiency when it comes to their patients and bettering patient care. Let’s take a look at which features benefit the most.

What is EMR software?

EMR stands for electronic medical records. This means that any paper chart your patient has is now available in a digital format. EMR software systems store invaluable private patient data and make it easier for a doctor or nurse to search patient charts.

Instead of digging through piles of paper, they are able to search for a test result, diagnosis, or hospital visit by looking up the patient’s digital chart.

Top Features

Why are digital patient records a big deal? Are they better than paper charts? These might be some of the questions you’re wondering.

Medical record software provides many benefits for hospitals, clinics, doctors, and nurses alike. Let’s take a look at the features it provides.

Patient Data in One Place

One of the best features software for medical records offer is being able to have all of the patient data in one location. Paper charts, faxes, and scans are easily lost in paperwork. Important test results could be delayed if a patient file has gone missing, and ultimately could cost someone their life.

Not only does it reduce the paper burden many clinics and hospitals face, it also saves a lot of time when searching for information about a patient. If a doctor is asking for a test result from five years ago, finding those paper charts may be more difficult. With an EMR, they look up the patient by their medical record number and their test results automatically populate.


Another important feature involves the notifications that alert doctors and nurses. A patient that is due for a preventive screening, vaccinations, or any other general check-ups will receive an alert to come in. Doctors and nurses are able to follow up on these tasks and make sure the patient received proper care.

With paper charts, it would be impossible to search through paper files and alert every single patient about their upcoming due appointments.

Monitoring Care

With an EMR in place, doctors are able to monitor the health of a patient over time. They see trends in their patient’s data and it helps them diagnosis better and more accurately. Doctors and nurses are more informed, leading them to provide higher quality care for their patients.

Improving Patient Care

With EMR software, the whole goal is to improve patient care and a quicker relay of important information to the staff.

Without this, patient’s diagnosis can take longer, tests can be lost in paper piles, and doctor’s waste time digging through files and minimize face time with patients.

If you’re looking for more information about why this really matters, check us out here.

Be sure to visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more answers to your questions about EMR Software.

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